Interview with

Antonio Tudisco

Hello Antoni, its a pleasure having you on Talking With the Pros. Can you please give us a brief background about where your from and how you got started in the industry?

Hi! First of all, I would like to thank you for this short interview. I really appreciate it. I was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany but I have Filipino and Italian roots. Just like everyone else, I visited school. At the age of 17, I enrolled at the SAE University and took up Web design and Development program. While taking up my course, I realized this course is not for me. I didn’t want to learn the language of computers. But still I pulled through and got my diploma a year after. The things I design this day, I didn’t learn from the course since they didn’t teach it to us, so I just researched and practiced everything on my own till I mastered my own style. From the day I developed my own website and uploaded my works on the Internet, I got attention and a huge feedback from different agencies as well as ADs/CDs who gave me my first projects. At first it wasn’t a big of a deal, just small projects here and there but as years pass by, I became better in my field and got more and bigger agreements. My biggest break through started when I uploaded my project “KILL ART//TRUST DESIGN. Bigger companies, bigger names contacted me and wanted a piece of the cake.
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

Your work is truly spectacular to look at, can you give us a brief walk-through of your process?

I would tell you but I would have to kill you . :)
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

On average, how long does one of your 3d pieces take to complete?

It takes about 30 mins to 2 weeks. No specific time. It really depends on the project and how the clients are. You know what I mean.
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

Have you always been an artistic person? Or was it something you realized you love doing later on in life?

As a child, I always doodled, sketched pictures and created my own characters. I was barely listening to my teachers at school I was too busy to finish my Son Goku masterpiece. I always had my own world ever since I was a little kid.
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

Who would you say are your favorite artists out there today?

There are just a few I really admire. One of them is DXTR from The Weird, his works are awesome.
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

How do you market your services to acquire commissioned projects?

I recommend all upcoming artists to upload their works on No other site offers a better opportunity to get discovered except for behance. I talk from experience.
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

I am an ambitious person so I would say I see myself building my own empire and with empire, I mean my own ad agency.
Antoni Tudisco
Antoni Tudisco

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us, any final words you would like to say to our readers?

Well.. thank you for this opportunity. To your readers, I would say do your own thing, don’t let anyone dictate what you can or can’t do. Just be your own self, follow your heart, live your dreams fuck the haters. :) If you want to see more of my upcoming projects, just like my facebook page or follow me on behance. God Bless.
Antoni Tudisco

Be sure to follow Antoni and view more of his work at: Behance, Facebook and